Leaving a gift in your will
Many people choose to remember the important work of local charities by leaving a gift in their will.
By leaving a gift to Bowel Cancer West after you have gone, you can help us continue our fight to beat bowel cancer, not just today but long into the future.
You may wish to leave a gift to cover all aspects of the work we do or choose specifically how you wish your donation to be spent; be it in an investment in local lead research, further training for NHS Colorectal staff or to ensure we can continue to raise awareness of bowel cancer.
We fully understand that leaving a gift is an important decision and we encourage you to think about these things in your own time keeping your family in mind as well.
To make gifting as simple as possible, BCW have carefully selected a reputable south west solicitors firm- GA Solicitors- to offer advice on a sensitive subject.
Download their step-by-step guide here to help you with the process and help us increase survival rates of bowel cancer across the southwest.
How your donation can impact our work
£20 can cover travel expenses for one of our bowel cancer survivors to deliver a presentation to 50+ people to explain the symptoms of bowel cancer. Even if just one person follows advice, that could be one life saved. | |
£100 can host 50 doctors to attend a training session on early prevention led by some of the UK’s leading bowel cancer experts. | |
£1,000 can support investigate whether bowel preparation (often given prior to surgery) affects an individual's fitness for surgery. | |
£5,000 will help fund a test to identify which patients are at high risk of becoming unwell immediately after their operation. | |
£10,000 can establish a registry of those at risk of bowel cancer due to inherited mutations. This will enable us to improve our identification and management of patients at risk with these problems. | |
£25,000 will fund a clinical trial to measure the time taken for individuals to regain their fitness following their operation. This may have a profound impact on support for recovery. |