Thursday 13th September 2012

Plymouth Professionals Evening on 15th November

Photo: Mark Coleman, BCW Founding Director who will be speaking at the Plymouth Professionals event.

Bowel Cancer West will be holding a “Plymouth Professionals” event on Thursday 15th November at 6.00pm at the Refectory, Plymouth Gin, Barbican. A full house of 100 guests are expected which will provide an opportunity to Bowel Cancer West to promote awareness of our activities, and to promote fund raising opportunities with the local business community about the work of the charity.

The evening will include a talk from founding Director and Colorectal Surgeon Mark Coleman from Derriford, our researchers Matt Wiggans and Siobhan Creynor. We are delighted that Thom Hunt, former Bowel Cancer patient will also be speaking, he is also known with his resourceful work as one of Hugh Fernley Whittingstalls “Three Hungry Boys” in the recent Channel 4 series.

Some excellent raffle prizes have been donated which will be raffled or auctioned on the evening which include a helicopter ride, tickets for 4 people to Exeter Chiefs V Northampton (5th January 2013), Meals for 2 vouchers to a host of leading restaurants and more!!!

We look forward to a successful evening, and if you are interested in attending please contact:

01752 439845


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