Monday 15th April 2019

BCW Announces New Charity Patron

The directors of Bowel Cancer West are delighted to announce the appointment of our new charity Patron, BBC Spotlight presenter, Victoria Graham. Victoria is passionate about supporting our cause and the work of the charity:

“Losing my Dad to bowel cancer several years ago was devastating, as it is for so many families across the UK. I also hear heart breaking stories of younger people dying from bowel cancer which remains the highest cause of cancer mortality in the UK.
But it doesn't need to be this way.

If caught early enough, it's very curable, so it’s imperative we overcome the embarrassment associated with bowel habits, and improve the awareness of screening and symptoms which will make a big difference.

I am passionate about supporting BCW and its team to help get the message to a wider audience across the South West and further afield. As well as raising awareness, BCW funds life-saving research and training grants for health professionals to improve the support for patients.

Whether it’s fundraising volunteering or simply sharing their message, please do what you can to support the work of BCW.
Together we can help keep families and loved ones together for longer - ensuring others don’t have to go through the same experience as my wonderful father.”

Ed Sinclair, CEO commented: ‘Thank you Victoria, we are so grateful to have you involved and we look forward to you joining us at selected events throughout the year.’

To seek advice on symptoms and screening or to consider supporting BCW and, please click here.

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